MR2 Update – Post Urethane

As some of you know, the MR2 was out of commission for a week for the purpose of installing new motor mounts. The urethane compound we used is stiffer than the original rubber material, and it kicks ass! I took the car out for a drive tonight and found that:

1. The engine started immediately.
2. The throttle responds much more quickly.
3. Shifting gears is faster.
4. The engine shuts off immediately.

All this, thanks to about $10 of liquid plastic. I highly recommend this to anyone who can afford not to have their car to drive for a week. Well worth the time and money.

Do Not Call registrations reach 20 million

The Federal Trade Commission reports that “As of 10:30 a.m. on Monday, July 7, 2003, 19.6 million telephone numbers had been logged into the registry.”

Wow. That’s more than the number of people that voted in the last California gubernatorial living. The total number is expected to reach 60 million.

Unfortunately, registering for the Do Not Call list doesn’t prevent all people from calling you. Politicians and charities are exempted from the ban. Also exempted are companies and organizations that have an “established relationship” with you. So you’ll still get a call from Visa offering insurance to pay off your credit card if you get killed. The only way to prevent these calls is to tell these companies to remove you from their call lists, mailing lists, email lists, third-party lists, etc., etc. Also, this Do Not call list doesn’t go into effect for a few months. In the meantime, you can contact the credit reporting agencies.

MR2 Update

The MR2 has new front and rear motor mounts. They’re mostly solidified, so I put them in the car to wait out the remaining few days. The front motor mount had been completely destroyed… and it’s no wonder, too. It looked flimsy as all hell. So now the car will sufer from more vibration and noise, but the throttle response is supposed to be much improved. Can’t wait to drive this car Monday evening.

New brake pads arrived today from BrakeWarehouse. Those guys are awesome. They had the best prices for the Axxis Metal Masters I wanted, and they were delivered the day after I placed the order. Now that’s fast. I’ll probably install the pads Sunday afternoon after I re-attach the exhaust. I highly recommend Metal Masters to people for street use. My Impreza had shitty brakes before, but now they’re awesome.

Brake fluid’s on its way, and so are the stainless steel braided brake lines. The brakes on the MR2 are going to kick ass.

After that, suspension.