Rainy Days and Mondays

Blah. Monday sucked. Won money at the weekly game, lost quite a bit online. Again, it’s that whole playing before 10PM thing.

Tuesday was better, but not a lot better. I waited until 10PM to play, and netted $14.25 after 3.92 poker hours. That’s more like 2.5 hours in real time. What a grind.

Sunday is fast turning into my best night.

I played at 7 different tables, two at a time, and won money at 5 of them. Between 8 and 10, I won $9.25. Between 10 and midnight, $10. Between midnight and 1:30, $36.50. $55.75 in total.

I’m still down for the week, but it seems that late in the evening, especially on Sundays, is the best time to play.

My bank’s now comfortably at $125. Thank God. Friday saw its share of losses. But now I’m up past my Wednesday night level. Monday night will hopefully be as profitable as last week.

Sometimes you have bad nights

Yesterday I lost $39. There was a problem with Party’s hand history emailer, so I was working in uncharted territory. This morning I got a bunch of hand histories and so I went over my play.

My rate of voluntarily putting money in the pot was 18% all evening, and my showdown win rate was 52%, so I don’t think I was doing anything terribly wrong. In fact, during the period of 6 to midnight I played 7 sessions for a total of 7.23 hours, which translates into roughly 3.5 hours of real time. My loss rate per hour was $5.34, which isn’t too bad.

What is obvious, however, is that I lost the most money when I played between 6 and 10. $24.29 per hour for 1.05 hours between 6 and 8. $12.19 per hour for .27 hours between 8 and 10.

When I started up again at 10, I played 5.92 hours and lost money at a rate of $1.67 per hour.

As I’ve said in earlier posts, the hours between 10 and midnight seem to be best for me. Until I build up a large enough bank to accomodate losses during non-optimal hours, I ought to stick to the hours my past history prescribes. Of course, given the fact that more players hit the site on weekends, I should devote some hours playing then as well.

God Bless the Simpsons

BBC – Cult – Simpsons nearly sued – News story

The creator of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, says Fox News threatened legal action after an episode poked fun at the channel.

The episode featured a “Fox News Crawl” at the bottom of the screen. It read: “Pointless news crawls up 37 per cent … Do Democrats cause cancer? Find out at foxnews.com … Rupert Murdoch: Terrific dancer … Dow down 5000 points … Study: 92 per cent of Democrats are gay … JFK posthumously joins Republican Party … Oil slicks found to keep seals young, supple …”

You can’t make this stuff up.