Spring Break: Poker Week

After taking advantage of a PokerStars deposit bonus of a measley 15% back in February, I basically ran through my bank, leaving me with a dollar or so. It’s enough to play at the nickel or penny tables, but seriously, that’s a freaking waste of time. I’ll go back from time to time for the freeroll or frequent player point tourneys to get some NL practice in, but I don’t think I’ll be doing much more than that.

Ten days ago I bought in for $50 at PartyPoker. Party rocks. If you play well, you’ll catch lots of wins against the fish. 6 days later I had doubled up and cashed out my initial $50. Nice. Nothing better than playing with Other People’s Money.

A couple days ago I switched over to the 1/2 tables from the .50/1 tables. It’s more expensive, but provided I play well enough to minimize my losses and win enough medium and big pots, I tend to come out on top. I’ve gotten some great hands: Royal Flush, four Kings (twice), Aces full of eights, etc. Gotten some good winning flops, too.

Today I started with $122 in the bank. I ended the day with $155 (low – $100, high – $175). I cashed out $50 to Neteller (by accident) and another $50 to my bank account. I’d prefer to have $100 in my bank on Party, but I can wait for a promotion to give me a little extra. Actually, a friend of mine was watching me play earlier and liked what he saw. He may put in some real money and get me a referral bonus.

But even with all this money floating around, I’m still down $150 since June. $250 of all money I’ve spent was wasted on PokerStars, so that’s not too bad. Now that school’s back in session and I’m hip-deep in work, I think I’ll cut back on my play a bit. Hopefully I can keep up this run when I do play and get into the black overall. I have some poker purchases I want to make with my poker money: Books, software, etc.
