Sometimes you have bad nights

Yesterday I lost $39. There was a problem with Party’s hand history emailer, so I was working in uncharted territory. This morning I got a bunch of hand histories and so I went over my play.

My rate of voluntarily putting money in the pot was 18% all evening, and my showdown win rate was 52%, so I don’t think I was doing anything terribly wrong. In fact, during the period of 6 to midnight I played 7 sessions for a total of 7.23 hours, which translates into roughly 3.5 hours of real time. My loss rate per hour was $5.34, which isn’t too bad.

What is obvious, however, is that I lost the most money when I played between 6 and 10. $24.29 per hour for 1.05 hours between 6 and 8. $12.19 per hour for .27 hours between 8 and 10.

When I started up again at 10, I played 5.92 hours and lost money at a rate of $1.67 per hour.

As I’ve said in earlier posts, the hours between 10 and midnight seem to be best for me. Until I build up a large enough bank to accomodate losses during non-optimal hours, I ought to stick to the hours my past history prescribes. Of course, given the fact that more players hit the site on weekends, I should devote some hours playing then as well.
