If you haven’t been following David Ross’ journey as a professional online poker player (and to be honest, I’m not going to go trolling the bulletin boards when Iggy can do it for me), check out his post for week 49 on the 2+2 Forums:
This is the hand that convinced me to go back to my Dr. Pepper. UTG limps, and I limp behind him with 4c 4s. Button and small blind limp as well and the BB checks. The flop is Ts 5s 4h. Checked to me and I bet. Button calls and SB check-raises. BB calls 2 cold, UTG folds and I smooth call, fairly certain there will be a bet and a call on the turn allowing me to get a nice raise on the turn if no spade comes. Button calls behind me. Turn is 8d. Unfortunately both blinds check. I bet and get called by all 3. River is Js. Argh. I’ve put at least one of the blinds on spades. They both check and I check too. Button bets out, SB folds and the BB raises. There is $133 in the pot and I have to put up $20 more. I fold and the button calls. The BB had J4 and the button had J8, the J made both of them 2 pair. There are a few different ways I could have played this, but the bottom line is how often will the river fold be a good one as oppsed to missing out on 13 BB’s?
And in case you were wondering, yes, he’s playing tables at 10 times my limit. Don’t rub it in.
This, of course, is where the profit and loss come from:
I’ve been on all sides of that table.