
I’m beginning to suspect that those two amazing weeks of profit were a fluke. Which isn’t to say that I don’t expect to win out over time, but probably nowhere near as much as I did those two weeks. So far this week I am up +14BB at a rate of +3.89BB/100 hands. Haven’t had much time nor desire to play, though. With classes coming to an end and final projects due, I’ve spent most of my time off the tables. Tonight was the first time I was able to put in some serious time, and it just wasn’t paying off. At no point was I up by more than 9BB. Mostly I’d get blinded down, or chuck my cards after the flop, then win a smallish pot to keep me at the same level. Boring. After four hours of this, I turned off the computer, ate some food, and watched Rex the Runt instead.
