Looks like they made it, and are up to no good:
Our first night there, we met Kerana, a half Afghani/half Persian girl who is living in Bombay. She’s quite a character. During our night with her, we snuck into a traditional Rajasthani wedding (where we were welcomed by a bunch of extremely extremely friendly kids, and stared at oddly by the older guests) and also attended what seemed to be a school/community dance competition–dances and costumes ranged from traditional Rajasthani to New Jersey 1983. Many of the kids were wearing Michael Jackson jackets. I had big plans to enter the competition (I could’ve taken those kids!) but Adarsh seemed to think that it would be somehow “inappropriate” for me to take the stage. So I had to settle for trying to teach Kerana how to dance.
Read the rest of this post and others at India 2004