
A lot of times I just get lucky, and that’s how I make most of my money. But a big part of that luck is the fact that I’m sitting at a table with players who do unbelievable things. They can’t fold big pairs with a monster hand on the board, they think top pair is good enough to win when I’m raising like a mofo, they chase draws they don’t have the odds to chase. But it’s one thing to know rationally that this is happening, and another thing altogether to see it happen. Saturday afternoon, I had the pleasure of playing against some of these guys and took down a 27 BB pot in 1/2 and 40 BB pot in 25PL. Sure, there were times when I made my runner-runner flush on the river and couldn’t blame my opponents for trying to win with big pairs or two pair (my 4 outs for a gutshot straight on the flop became a 12-outer with the flush possibility on the turn). But these other guys are just mind-bogglingly bad gamboolers. Fuck them. They deserve to lose.
