Maybe it’s a little too early to tell (I’ve only played 705 hands), but you really could ABC your way into some money if you follow HD’s advice.
Pay special attention to #2: Play tight with a small stack. If you just read #1: Limping is good and suddenly jump into every hand you can, you might find yourself out your buy-in and reaching for that rebuy button. Not a good idea. That said, there have been a few occasions when I’ve limped my way down to half my buy-in and made it back in one hand.
By the way, that 13.5 BB win rate represents 47 wins out of 705 games (6.6%). I saw the flop 31.63% of the time. So it really doesn’t take much to run up your stack.
Oh, and it’s seriously a lot of fun. The best part is manipulating the size of your bets in relation to the size of the pot and your opponents’ stacks in order to get them to call or fold. This is where getting a good read/history on your enemies comes in real handy.