Give the poker gods their due…

…and they will reward you with riches. Either that or chat with HD on IM while rockin’ two 1/2 tables at a time. I believe I was IM’ing with him the last time I had a session this good. Maybe I ought to give him a commission.

Bottom line: Up $65.12 for a win rate of 20.61BB/100 hands, not including this morning’s tourney finish.

This wasn’t like the July 17th session when I just kept getting massive hands. In some ways it was even crazier because I’d be sitting on crap in the BB, get a bunch of limpers, then be able to check-raise my flopped two pair or set on the flop and rake it in.

For instance, 52o flopped two pair and riverred a boat; 94o flopped middle pair then riverred two pair after checks on the flop and turn (amazingly I got three callers); 97o flopped top two pair; A4o flopped a boat; and A6o flopped a set. I don’t know this for sure, but I’ve probably never won so many hands from the big blind. I could have won even more money with one particular BB hand if I hadn’t ditched my 23s flush draw after a flop bet. I knew I had odds to make my hand, but was it really going to be the nuts? Yep. Winner riverred a set of jacks and took the pot.

Of course, don’t let me give you the impression that this was smooth sailing the entire session. After flopping the nut flush on my fourth hand, this uberfish cracked my cowboys with QTo on the river. Unbelievable. Had I been observing this guy a bit more, I would have realized that he always raises with top pair. But it was tough to figure out. Before the flop, he called a raise, then called my re-raise. When QJ7 showed up on the flop and he raised on me, I thought it not out of the question to be up against two pair or a set. I probably should have reraised while it was cheap to test things out since my pair was better than any card on the flop, but then again, knowing what I know now about the uberfish, he probably would have been happy to call me down to the river and suck out on me anyway.

At any rate, I was hovering at a little above my buy-in for over half of the hands at this table. It was only when I launched the second table that I started to win on the first one. I won a big pot when I flopped two pair with Q9s, and then I managed to win 3-5 big bets about once every orbit. I was on fire and it felt great. Now that I’m working, going to school, and trying to have some kind of social life, making these infrequent poker sessions count is important.

11th place still pays

Came in 11th in the weekly $1000 freeroll. I was short stack and figured pocket queens would be good; big stack to my left had pocket kings and knocked me out. Figures.

There was one hand early on that I made a terrible mistake on. I had AJ suited and limped. I flopped two pair and tried to be tricky by checking. Someone made a straight when a 10 showed up on the turn and raised on me. Instead of folding, I reraised, got raised, called. Rag appeared on the river and I called his all-in like a fool. I instantly went from being 800 above average to 1000 below average. Luckily I got pocket aces a few hands later and was able to save my stack from certain doom.

Weekly game results: August 19

After a one week hiatus, we had our weekly game last night:

This week Cumulative Average
CR +$2.40 +$9.60 +$1.60
EM +$1.45 +$5.45 +$0.78
ER -$0.85 +$3.15 +$0.53
JB -$0.25 -$9.75 -$1.39
JC -$2.50 +$12.00 +$1.71
Me -$0.25 -$12.30 -$1.76

The night started off with no showdowns for the first hour. We need to inject some new blood into these games. No monster pots all night either, though there were some hands where big pocket pairs were either misplayed or held to the showdown with better hands showing on the board.

JC’s 5-game streak came to an end. I’m guessing the cards just weren’t coming his way. CR continues to gain on JC in the stats.

I started off winning a few small pots (mostly consisting of the blinds and 1 or 2 small bets), then started losing a number of pots, then came back to just below even. I need to mix up my game a bit. One hand where I flopped two pair and turned a boat netted me virtually nothing. On another hand I folded top pair with a weak kicker when I completely misjudged what the other people had. I basically conceded 6 big bets to CR, which would have put me in the black and EM into first place this week. Doh.

Comic book lampoons Bush

In case you wondered what MachineSamba looked like, here’s a story from a local paper about Tex:

“It’s very much in the satirical tradition and the long American tradition of the political pamphlet,” said Joshua Dysart, the writer, who is also currently signed to work on the smash DC title Swamp Thing. “We want it to be a tool to mobilize 18-to-25 year olds and galvanize them against this administration.”

Of all the pretentious… just kidding, Josh.

Spyware Redux

Good grief.

A friend of mine got a spyware and virus infestation that was more severe than anything I’d seen before. The steps for dealing with the problem went far beyond what I’d prescribed in my Public Service Announcement. Thankfully, the counter-spyware experts at The PC Guide Forums were able to walk me through the process of marking, fixing, deleting, repairing, and immunizing. I think the machine is clean now.

Right now would probably be a good time for you to update your spyware and anti-virus definition files. SpywareBlaster is also a good one to have. It puts known spyware on the shit list and prevents them from being installed in the first place. It’s free to use, but if you donate a small fee, you can enable the auto-update feature for worry-free protection.