No, sorry, this is a poker-related post, not a political post.
All the Party sites run into problems with hand histories from time to time. You request them, they don’t come. Last Sunday this happened after I’d lost a bunch of money and before I made it back, which screwed up my stats. Anyway, I wrote to MultiPoker customer service about the issue and here’s what they said:
As per our records we see that the Hand Histories were successfully sent from our Data base. We request you to check in your bulk or junk mail folder to see if you have received them there. If you have not received them, we request you to add to your e-mail account address book and then re-validate your e-mail address.
Bullshit. Hand histories and customer service messages both come from How in the hell could I receive his message and not the hand histories if the problem was a bulk-mail/spam-mail folder? Besides, I don’t use webmail, so they can bite my crank. I’ve been waiting for a chance to say that. Anyway, my guess is that their server’s mail service just stopped working and they’re not being upfront about it.