CR took off early. He’d been up since 6AM or so, and it’s amazing that he showed up at all.
This week Cumulative Average
CR -$0.15 +$1.20 +$0.11
EM -$5.00 -$6.10 -$0.51
ER +$0.75 +$14.30 +$1.30
JB -$1.90 -$6.55 -$0.60
JC +$1.35 +$14.50 +$1.32
Me +$4.95 -$6.60 -$0.55
JB and I continue to tie for last place, with me taking the shame of the lowest record by a nickel in both the cumulative and average. I could have swapped with him if it hadn’t been for the last hand of the night. I had top pair and ER flopped a set (or so she says). I called her flop raise and check-folded the turn after realizing that I shouldn’t have called the raise with my kicker and no good draws, but that was enough to put me under the 2x mark for the night. Can’t win ’em all, as they say. I’d like to think that my play was better tonight than on most nights. I was sufficiently aggressive with winning hands and called down bluffs. In fact, I think most of us have gotten more creative with our play. Whether for good or bad, we probably don’t have enough evidence to make any kind of conclusion.
JC continues to hold onto his top spot, but now ER is close behind. Not sure if she’s necessarily playing better, but she’s certainly trying out more aggression and if the numbers mean anything to anyone, I think it’s working. The one thing she may want to do is figure out on the turn/river whether she wants to keep throwing chips in the pot or cut her losses when it’s clear that someone has her beaten and is unlikely to fold.
Of course, being a weekly game we all tend to know one another to a certain extent, and it’s difficult to take the skills we are developing and apply them to online and B&M play. I honestly believe that anyone in our group is better than most people I’ve encountered online and in my limited B&M experience, but really, they all ought to get out there and pound the tables at Party to sharpen up their play against the fish.