Weekly game results: December 22

Another week, another weekly home game.

JC -$5.00
ER +$1.10
CR -$0.10
PC +$6.85
JB -$5.85
EM +$3.00

JB was running bad; lost his entire buy-in within the first hour or so. Though I think he made it worse when he stayed in a hand against CR who turned out to have trips to JB’s two pair.

JC ran out of chips one hand away from the last hand of the night. Good timing. He was almost out at one point when I had JJ UTG and he had 57 in the BB. He had previously announced he was going all in on his blind, so I raised the max and put him all in. We played our cards up and watched as the cards came up, giving him a gutshot on the flop, a pair of fives on the turn, and two pair on the river. Heh. Lucky bastard.

In case you’re curious, ER leads in the cumulative winnings. JC comes in second, and I’m third with a barely positive cumulative.
