I played some $50 NL tonight after a terrible day of 1/2 and managed to make back most of my losses (I think I’m going to stop playing limit for a while). After taking some poor guy’s entire buy-in, I decided to relive the glory by checking out the PokerTracker hand history. That’s when I noticed an exorbitant rake for that hand. Wait a tick, that’s a negative number! So for those of you who think PokerTracker is the best thing you ever purchased with your ill-gotten gains (SSHE is in the running for first), you’ll want to get the latest patch:
This patch addresses this problem as well as the following:
FIX – PARTY FORMAT CHANGES – for hard drive hand history files when a player goes all-in. The emailed hand histories did not change. It will be necessary to delete (Utilities/Database Maintenance and Options) any sessions/tournaments where you have seen incorrect total amounts won and negative rake amounts and reload the files once the new patch is installed.
Stupid Party Poker. Yeah, I wish they charged a negative rake. Well, the folks at Poker Tracker (Pat) are simply awesome. So go ahead and download this latest patch. It’s especially helpful for those of us who have been participating in the almost nightly NL blogger sessions. If ever a feller is going to go all-in, it’s in these blogger sessions.
Unfortunately PokerTracker’s delete function only works for entire sessions, so if you have older sessions with these rake errors, you might be SOL. Hold on, just thought of something. PT doesn’t delete these hard drive hand histories. It moves them somewhere else. You might be able to delete the session from PT and reload them from your archive directory. I take no responsibility for anything that happens to your PT db. Make a backup copy and proceed with caution.