Not much to report in my corner of the Blogosphere. Still playing the $50 NL tables and finding myself up, down, up, down on a zigzag that thankfully trends upward. But even though I’m on the PSO rake rebate program, sometimes I get to feeling a little directionless in my play when I’m not clearing a bonus. I’ve been reading around about all these guys jumping on the Omaha 8, Razz, and Full Tilt bandwagons–you know who you are. So I guess I’ll sign myself up at Full Tilt and start going about clearing that gargantuan bonus. By my estimates, it’ll take me about 80 days to clear it all. Ew.

This Sunday you’ll find me at the Aladdin poker room clearing another kind of bonus: a poker room rate. In exchange for committing myself to 6 hours of poker (really? that’s all?), I get a room that’s more than half off the going NASCAR-March Madness rate, and I suppose that’s a good thing. The Vegas detour will come on the heels of spending a couple days in Death Valley with my mom. She’s taken up photography as a hobby and wants to snap some pictures of the crazy wildflower boom that’s resulted from all this rain we’ve been getting. Me, I haven’t been to Death Valley in years and years, so I figure the beginning of Spring Break is a good time to get out of the house, out of doors, and maybe catch some no limit action (and maybe show my mom that poker isn’t the nasty gambling habit she imagines it to be). Can’t wait. Maybe I’m wrong about this, but I’m guessing NASCAR fans will be about as good at cards as those cowboys from the first WPBT.

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