At some point last year someone (probably Iggy) dubbed me a poker blogger. Which was a little odd, considering that at least half of the posts I made were political in nature. Obviously this blog has become somewhat less political post-November. At any rate, I’m not sure how many readers I have, but it seems like there are certainly people who check in everyday, and that sort of puts a little bit of pressure on me to perform. Add that to the fact that some people have actually clicked through some of my poker site links and signed up, and now I feel even more pressure to return the favor by posting something about poker.
My Masters program is winding down fast, but before I get that sheet of paper I’ve gone into debt for, I’ll have to take the comprehensive exam. I won’t bore you with the details, but it basically means I’ll be disappearing for ten days over the next two weeks. Look for me to resurface around April 5.
Going up to the Bay Area for a Planning Conference to try to get me a job, take a break from school, and possibly redeem myself at San Pablo or plunge back into the limit games of the Oaks (I know, I know).
My buddy has a home game lined up for me tonight in the South Bay, so the thought of meeting my cousin for dinner down there crossed my mind, but it turns out he’s got a home game in the East Bay. His home game sounds a lot like the ones I used to play, complete with Anaconda, Baseball, Follow the Queen, and all those crazy games. I told him about Omaha 8 last night, and he seemed intrigued.
The format for tonight will be $20 buyin .25/.50 NL, but I’ll be doing my best to increase the buy-in or reduce the blinds. I’ll also do my best to get people out to a casino afterwards. It probably won’t happen, but no one can say I didn’t try.