Wil Wheaton turned me on to Overheard in NY:
A large bearded black man is holding a big white sign that reads: NINJAS KILLED MY FAMILY. I NEED $$ TO LEARN KUNG-FU AND GET REVENGE.
Drunk yuppie: Ha, ha. So dude, are you really going to become a ninja?! Ha, ha!
Black guy: Nah, man. This is just for humor. This ain’t for real.–Broadway & 76th
Overheard by: M-Co
I don’t think these are the same guy.
someone at work had that as a desktop picture a while back. hilarious. i’d always wondered where it came from…
You should really be careful with this kind of humor, you know. Some people are actually quite sensitive to “jokes” about ninjas killing their families. I learned this the hard way. It was really ugly… Trust me, you never want to be in that situation.