At the passenger unloading curb, I pulled all my Kiwi money out of my wallet and shoved it into my sister’s hands, figuring I wouldn’t need it anymore. Wrong! Apparently you have to pay New Zealand $25 or they won’t let you leave. Those bastards. I charged this one last expense to my AmEx, knowing full well I was getting shafted by their exchange rate.
is it like the japanese airport usage fee ? i think theirs is about the same. well, at least at narita there’s a fee.
There’s a fee leaving Delhi and Bangkok as well. I think they should just charge the airlines, who would in turn pass it on to us, but an addition Rs. 500 isn’t a big deal on an international flight. On the other hand, the airlines would probably pass on the fees with additional processing fees attached. Never mind.
I’m going to start doing this at my house. When the Jehova’s Witness folks show up, I’ll invite them in briefly and charge ’em $10 to leave.