Just before the second break…

I get knocked out in 285th. See if you can guess the other guy’s hand.

PokerStars No-Limit Hold’em Tourney, Big Blind is t400 (9 handed) converter

MP1 (t10475)
MP2 (t5445)
Hero (t6025)
CO (t6165)
Button (t2550)
SB (t10400)
BB (t11039)
UTG (t9935)
UTG+1 (t6246)

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with Td, 8d.
4 folds, Hero raises to t1200, CO calls t1200, 3 folds.

Flop: (t2600) 5s, Tc, 3c (2 players)
Hero bets t2000, CO calls t2000.

Turn: (t6600) 2c (2 players)
Hero bets t2800 (All-In), CO calls t2800.

River: (t12200) 2h (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t12200

Answer will be posted in the comments after a day or so.

One thousand four hundred sixty-eight bloggers?

It’s a good thing Pokerstars emailed me about this afternoon’s blogger tourney, or I might have slept right through it. Pretty much in the same way that I slept through the fact that Stars has a blog dedicated to this tourney; they’ve been naming names and prizing prizes to various blogs out there, including SoCal’s very own Geek and Proud. Alan should get props just for having created the terror alert box, not to mention the poker content. Belated congratulations!

In other news, Studioglyphic Blog has sold out to the fastest growing poker site on the net, Full Tilt Poker. The only poker site designed by the world’s best players. While some of the staff members here at SG Central have protested this new move, grousing about outdated ideals such as journalistic integrity and bias-free blogging, I for one welcome our new corporate overlords, and look forward to seeing a FullTilt banner on every page (Hey, if Myspace can survive a NEW$Corp acquisition, I think this little blog will do just fine).

See you at the tourney.

Check your credit for free…

…but just once a year.

AnnualCreditReport.com is a joint service of the three major credit reporting companies that allows all consumers to check their credit for free as part of the FACT Act. Even if you’re not comfortable transmitting a lot of personal information like Social Security and credit card numbers over the Internet, there’s info on how you can phone or mail in your request.

I like to request these credit reports just for my own amusement, but sometimes you may notice a forgotten account or a mistake in your file. This is also a good time to ask these same companies not to sell/use your personal information for spam.