Kansas loses its mind again

Oh boy.

Kansas Education Board First to Back ‘Intelligent Design’
Schools to Teach Doubts About Evolutionary Theory

TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 8 — The Kansas Board of Education voted Tuesday that students will be expected to study doubts about modern Darwinian theory, a move that defied the nation’s scientific establishment even as it gave voice to religious conservatives and others who question the theory of evolution.

By a 6 to 4 vote that supporters cheered as a victory for free speech and opponents denounced as shabby politics and worse science, the board said high school students should be told that aspects of widely accepted evolutionary theory are controversial. Among other points, the standards allege a “lack of adequate natural explanations for the genetic code.”

The bitterly fought effort pushes Kansas to the forefront of a war over evolution being waged in courts in Pennsylvania and Georgia and statehouses nationwide. President Bush stated his own position last summer, buoying social conservatives when he said “both sides” should be taught.

“This is a great day for education. This is one of the best things that we can do. This absolutely teaches more about science,” said Steve E. Abrams, the Kansas board chairman who shepherded the conservative Republican majority that overruled a 26-member science committee and turned aside the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Teachers Association.

Sue Gamble said the board, by dropping a phrase that defined science as “a search for natural explanations of observable phenomena,” was opening the door to supernatural explanations.

Yargh! Check out this FSM video.

One thought on “Kansas loses its mind again”

  1. ASDuutt asder ere!!!

    Oh, pardon me, following your scientifically-unproven conventions, that would have read, “Stupid wins!” But GOD does not care for such things. Don’t argue with me, heathen. You and your “rules” and your “science.” Psha.
