4 thoughts on “This Day in History: December 8, 1941”

  1. His site only has a picture of him “[voicing] his concerns about illegal immigration at a press conference on Capitol Hill.” I wonder if he ever voiced his concerns about bribery–oh, wait, he didn’t have any. Scum. Frankly, I think it’s high time the Republican Party was dismantled. One thing’s for sure: If even one solitary bastard voter in the next election votes for a Republican, I will be horrified. I fear I may be horrified though, since we’re surrounded (or, geographically, we tend to surround) idiots, selfish people, and selfish idiots.

  2. One more thing: Yacht club fees?! What kind of an asshole–wait, I think you already know the answer to that one. The fact that a public servant is a member of a yacht club is distasteful enough, but that he screwed the public to get there? Even worse. By the way, the guilty defense firms had better get what’s coming to them as well.

  3. And, in case no one knows where I stand on this one: It’s not like the “alternative,” the Democratic Party, is great or anything. If they’re the path to the future, then they had better shape up fast or the future is going to suck harder than a sewage-crazed monkey on a drainage pipe. I said it before the last election, but allowed myself to be persuaded that the Democratic Party already had an infrastructure, blah, blah, blah. They’re feeble. It’s pathetic. I mean, bloody hell, the current administration is serving up its lies and deceit on a goddamn silver platter and the Democratic Party is hardly nibbling. Screw that.
