LA Poker Classic 2006

Take crazy LA poker players, inject a lot of cash and a WPT event, and you may just have the best low and middle limit cash games anywhere. The LA Poker Classic runs between January 19 and February 23 at Commerce Casino, about ten miles east of downtown LA.

For you out-of-towners, this is almost certainly a poker trip. The City of Commerce doesn’t offer very much in the way of entertainment outside of outlet shopping and the casino. The casino itself has some diluted California card games, but no craps, roulette, or slots. But it does boast the country’s largest poker room, and the tourney schedule is full of hold ’em events, for those of you who like to play that game. I’m sure we’ll see HDouble and Joe Speaker out there. And since us LA folk have to drive home, there’s not likely to be much heavy drinking, except for Bill, who just can’t help himself. Okay, Joe Speaker, too.

Anyway, last year I made the mistake of not being there as much as humanly possible, so I’ll make more of an effort this time around. See you there.

3 thoughts on “LA Poker Classic 2006”

  1. I’ve already let HDouble know that I’ll probably be in LA at some point during February. Thinking about doing a full week this year, rather than just 3 days like I did last year. Will certainly let you know what my plans are once they materialize.

  2. I think I’m going to take the Tunica route this year. I just can’t hang with the super-turbo structure at Commerce. I like structures that play like a cash game instead (because I’m a rock).

    Plus I’ve been feeding to play PLO8 and PLO live for a long time, and Tunica is the USA capital of pot-limit poker.

    Good luck!

  3. There’s a possibility that I may be in the LA area that week (Jan 16-20) on business…was thinking of stopping in Vegas either the weekend before, or weekend after the trip, but maybe I’ll just stay in LA instead for the weekend of the 21-22 and hang out at the Commerce…will have to check out the schedule of events for the weekend.

    Anyone have a place to crash for a blogger for the weekend? Or hotel recommendations for the weekend on the cheap?
