This is pretty amazing stuff. The fire was so hot it melted the freeway and eliminated all evidence of the truck.
San Francisco Chronicle: Tanker fire destroys part of MacArthur Maze
2 freeways closed near Bay BridgeThe heat of a dramatic gasoline tanker fire destroyed an overpass and closed two major roadways in the MacArthur Maze at the East Bay access to the Bay Bridge early this morning.
A section of the roadway taking traffic from the Bay Bridge onto eastbound Interstate 580 fell onto the connector that brings East Bay traffic from Interstate 80 to Interstate 880 southbound toward Oakland and San Jose.
The tanker, which was traveling from I-80 full of vehicle-ready gasoline, seems to have disappeared. One Caltrans worker at the scene held up his thumb and forefinger an inch apart to describe how big the tanker is now.
The driver, who got out of the truck on his own after it overturned, hailed a taxi to a nearby hospital, where he is in critical but stable condition with burns.
Here are some Chronicle photos of the interchange:
Here’s a Google Maps satellite shot of the interchange:
It may not be obvious, but this is where all the East Bay traffic funnels together to become the gridlocked mess waiting to cross the Bay Bridge into San Francisco. According to the article, the collapsed section affects eastbound and southbound traffic–not sure what the impact, if any, will be on westbound traffic.
This accident should put and end to the moronic speculation that the collapse of the WTC towers was due to explosives. Mark Cuba, Chucky Sheen, et al. watch and weep: intense gasoline fire CAN and DOES collapse steel and concrete structures, even those that, unlike the WTC, are built to withstand major earthquakes.
Islamofacist terrorists attacked the US soil on 9/11/2001, that is the sad truth.
Sorry to nitpick, but airplanes don’t start gasoline fires. No comment on the validity of your other points.