The Importance of Diversification, Even in Planning

The best quote: “I thought I’d bought a home in Pleasantville,” says Talbot, who moved from New York last year. “I never imagined in my wildest dreams that stuff like this would happen.”

Charlotte Observer: New suburbs in fast decay

Foreclosures lead to vacancies and crime

Liz Chandler And Ted Mellnik, Posted on Sun, Dec. 09, 2007

A band of new suburban neighborhoods that held promise for thousands of Charlotte families is now struggling with crime, blight and falling home values.

These neighborhoods were hit hard by the wave of foreclosures rattling the nation. Damage is most visible in starter-home subdivisions across northern Charlotte, and in pockets in the east and southwest.

The best of them show subtle signs: Vacant houses. Overgrown weeds. Trash piled at the curb.

The worst of them already resemble decaying urban neighborhoods that keep police and housing inspectors busy — and cost Charlotte millions to repair.
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Library of Congress Photos on Flickr

The Library of Congress has this and thousands of other photos on Flickr, featuring a lot of color photos from the WWII era.