Category Archives: Cool Stuff

MySpace Music Re-Launch

I had nothing to do with this, but MySpace just re-launched their music site in the US with lots more music from major label artists.


It’s actually pretty cool to be able to listen to all this stuff for free and compile playlists. The product itself is definitely rough around the edges, but overall it’s not bad.

It’s been a while since I’ve come across any new music I liked. If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to throw in their MySpace URLs in the comments.

Library of Congress Photos on Flickr

The Library of Congress has this and thousands of other photos on Flickr, featuring a lot of color photos from the WWII era.

Paul Potts – Britain’s Got Talent

Thanks to Bill Rini for tipping us off to this guy.

Normally I wouldn’t post anything about a show like Britain’s Got Talent (think American Idol in the UK), but this was pretty cool.

Paul Potts’ first appearance on Britain’s Got Talent:

When you hear that voice coming from that body, it’s simply amazing.

Paul Potts from last night’s semi-finals for Britain’s Got Talent:

Finally, here’s an NPR interview with him from this morning:

Car Phone Salesman Captures British Hearts