New insight from the gentleman drinker:
I, for one, know that the pedestrian will have to get in his car to trek the 30 miles to my house; tonight’s the weekly game.
New insight from the gentleman drinker:
I, for one, know that the pedestrian will have to get in his car to trek the 30 miles to my house; tonight’s the weekly game.
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Crash Landing:
Jesus H. Christ.
Two things to note: the driver of the Cruiser ran a red light, and the pedestrian was also crossing against the light. Presumably the driver and the ped were trying to save a few seconds. Stupid, stupid. I guess some people value 30 seconds more than they value the potential loss of hours, their vehicle, or their lives.
Of course, it could be that Ms. Cruiser was chatting on her mobile and just didn’t realize the light was red. In this case, the trade-off is between saving time (by not waiting to make/take a call) or reducing the “boredom” of driving and the potential loss of hours, their vehicle, or their lives.
I hope the driver of the Cruiser loses both her legs.
Watched Starship Troopers again tonight. Great movie.
Critics across the board have pretty much dismissed it as a pro-facist, Melrose Place in space summer blockbuster, but they’ve got it completely ass-backwards. This is satire, folks. The visual cues of Nazi Germany, from the eagle symbol of the Federation to the uniforms of military intelligence, should have made it obvious to any viewer that the film is trying to make a point. If the characters seem vacuous and bland, it’s because the society in which they live have stripped them of their humanity, filling them instead with nonsense about patriotism and the glory of violence. That these would-be “citizens” are devalued as human beings is underscored by the fact that about half of the characters that are introduced in the film are brutally maimed, impaled, or torn apart by the end.
This film is anti-fascist; more than that, it is oddly prescient of the terrorist attacks on the United States and the reaction of the country and our government to those attacks.
Thankfully, the good people at the Digital Bits seem to have their heads screwed on right:
This is worth watching. Go check it out.
True to tradition, I got the same phone as Adarsh. This also happens to be the same phone that Cory and Eris and Archana own. LG Electronics USA :: VX6000
It’s nice. It works all over the house, the display is bright and crisp, and the user interface is really intuitive. This is probably the best phone I’ve ever had. The camera’s kinda gimmicky but I’m sure I’ll find a use for it. It’s a good complement to my big zoom Olympus. It also fits in my pocket; there’s a belt clip for the phone, but that would be dorky.
2004 will be a lot like 1992.