One class to go before I officially get my Master’s Degree. This one’s in Beijing:
While this is ostensibly an academic exercise (the class is entitled “The Future of Xidan Beidajie: Transit Oriented Urban Village in the Beijing Mega-City”), I don’t think any of my classmates are kidding themselves about what we’ll end up doing.
For those of you who visit StudioGlyphic for poker content, there will likely be none until I return in July. However, I’ll have all sorts of gadgetry with me, and will likely post occasional images and blurbs about traveling in Asia.
Some of us have decided that the only way to get through our Wednesday afternoon class is by drinking beforehand. That’s why I’m sitting alone at a bar/lounge across from campus with an empty glass of Glenlivet, my laptop, and my copy of Harrington on Hold’em, feeling like life is pretty good. So where are all the other degenerate grad students? I have no idea. I guess I’ll have to order another scotch to keep me company.
Crazy. I was very dehydrated after last night’s party and woke up this morning after only six hours of sleep. I had some chicken soup and some ramen to try to get myself rehydrated, but I still felt like crap. Then around 2:30 I decided to take a nap, and slept for five hours. Talk about shooting your day in the ass!
…it lacks many of the nuisances that make other such diseases so unpopular: none of those bothersome spasms, ever only controlled swearing, comparatively little drool. Nonetheless, it is a serious illness….
So when, might you ask, will the Gentleman Drinker give us his thoughts on drink?