Category Archives: Poker

And then real life stepped in and changed everything

This may come as a great disappoint to you–especially if you were someone I busted–but I won’t be playing in the WSOP this year.

I’m planning out life-related things this year, and part of that entails saving my vacation days for trips that don’t involve poker. Or, at least, to a much lesser degree. So I’ve appointed Absinthe to represent me, LA bloggers, and PokerStars at event #37, No-Limit Hold’em (3 day event), on Tuesday, July 25th. In return, we’re splitting the prize money 50-50.

Go and wish him luck.

PokerStars changed my July 2006 plans

Imprudence relies on luck, prudence on method. That gives prudence less edge than it expects.
–Mason Cooley

I often hear that winning in tournament poker requires a dose of luck, so provided you play good poker in enough tournaments, you’ll make it deep and win from time to time. Like this guy.

I had more than my share of good luck on Sunday in the PokerStars 2nd Annual World Blogger Championship of Online Poker.

Lucky Break #1

I was seated at a table where 6 of the 9 players were sitting out and never showed up to play. Not only did that mean all the blinds one could steal, but also a lot of short-handed pressure play. Once I knocked out the player to my left (AQ vs AT, A high flop), it was heads-up play with a 2:1 chip advantage and a positional advantage (seat 9 vs 6).

Lucky Break #2

While heads-up with seat 6, I called a min-raise with a suited Q. The flop came K high, all in my suit. Check, check. The turn put a non-threatening card on the board. Another check from the raiser and I put out a normal sized bet. He called. The river pairs the board and seat 6 wakes up with a sizable bet. I raised a few times the size of his bet and he re-raised. I thought about it, discounted the possibility of the boat or the higher flush, and put him all in. He had a suited J for the 3rd nut flush and I was sitting on a lot of chips.

Lucky Break #3

At level 13, with blinds/antes at 1000/2000/100, I found myself getting short (m of 5.6). I steal-raised to 4xBB from the button with a suited K, but laid it down to an all-in re-steal. In desperate shape, I re-raised the short stack’s all-in with a pair of sixes. Unfortunately, Columbo quickly called all-in with his pair of queens. The short stack had AK and the flop came down Ah As 2s, leaving me with 2 outs twice or running spades to win. Then the beat: a 6h on the turn. This was probably not as bad as the beat I handed out last December, but it was pretty bad. I apologized in the PokerStars chat and on IRC, but I’m not sure if anyone bought it. With that CJ-esque suckout, my stack was back in the playable range.

The Rest

Honestly I don’t remember the rest too well. I do remember not wanting to win a Letterman jacket. I’ve got one of those. 🙂 The iPod mini would have been nice, and I would have preferred it over the $215 seat in the Sunday Million or even the $370 seat in the WSOP Satellite. Once it got down to the 10th place bubble, I took a few opportunities to steal some blinds/antes, but probably not as many as I should have.

At the final table, I made some bold moves, knowing that 9th place would pay just as well as 2nd, and bold moves were needed to come in 1st. Unfortunately, trying to push someone off a hand by re-raising all-in in response to his re-raise of your raise doesn’t always work. Especially if you have 99 and he has a pair of kings. Strangely enough, I survived that hand with a few chips, survived the next with a crazy 7 high straight, and finally went out in 6th place.

Once again, a big thank you to all the people who cheered me on and gave me encouragement. These things are always more fun with friends watching.

PokerStars’ World Blogger Championship of Online Poker Bounties

You got this, right?

Dear PokerStars Player,

Just a few days remain until the world’s bloggers will compete in the biggest blogger freeroll on the planet. PokerStars’ World Blogger Championship of Online Poker (WBCOOP) is this Sunday at 4:00pm ET. The stakes are high. The online scribes will be competing for more than $37,000 worth of prizes, including a seat in the 2006 World Series of Poker main event.

To make the event even more interesting, PokerStars has just placed bounties on the heads of five well-known bloggers and personalities.

Bounties! When you knock out one of the “well-known bloggers and personalities”–Iggy and CJ included–you get an entry into the PokerStars $370 buy-in 150 WSOP Seat Guaranteed event on July 16.

All except Wil Wheaton.

Knocking him out gets you a hat, shirt, and fleece, inscribed with the words “I knocked Wil Wheaton out of the BCOPB and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.” That’s right, it’s not even customized for the particular article of clothing it’s on.

Strange things are afoot at Stars HQ.